December 2022
Members and friends of NASM gathered in St. Louis, Missouri in November for the Ninety-Eighth Annual Meeting. The Association extends deepest appreciation to all those who were part of the volunteer effort that makes these meetings successful, an effort that includes preparing and making presentations, leading discussion, sharing expertise and insight, and much more.
Subsequent to action by the Membership and the Board of Directors, and elections in Regions 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, and 9 during the 2022 Annual Meeting, we are pleased to announce the election, re-election, or appointment of the following individuals to office in NASM:
Heather Landes, Arizona State University (2025)
Members, Board of Directors (Regional Chairs)
Linda Kline, Boise State University (Region 2) (2024)
Eric Honour, University of Central Missouri (Region 3) (2024)
Andrew R. Glendening, Northern Illinois University (Region 4) (2023)
Linda Apple Monson, George Mason University (Region 7) (2025)
Laura M. Moore, University of South Alabama (Region 8) (2025)
Jeff Bright, Arkansas Tech University (Region 9) (2025)
Member, Commission on Community College Accreditation
Camille Day Nies, Amarillo College (2025)
Chair, Commission on Accreditation
H. Keith Jackson, West Virginia University (2025)
Associate Chair, Commission on Accreditation
Daniel Goble, Colorado State University (2025)
Members, Commission on Accreditation
Fred Cohen, San José State University (2025)
Courtney Crappell, University of Missouri – Kansas City (2025)
Micheál Houlahan, Millersville University of Pennsylvania (2025)
Julia Mortyakova, Mississippi University for Women (2024*)
Todd Queen, Florida State University (2025)
Todd E. Sullivan, Texas State University (2025)
Chair, Nominating Committee
Charles R. Young, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (2023)
Members, Nominating Committee
Lisa Beckley-Roberts, Jackson State University (2023)
Isrea L. Butler, Valdosta State University (2023)
Bonnie Miksch, Portland State University (2023)
Stanley C. Pelkey, University of Kentucky (2023)
Members, Committee on Ethics
Wes C. Moore, Dallas Baptist University (2023)
Timothy R. Shook, Southwestern College (2025)
The Association wishes to express its deepest thanks to those individuals who left office in NASM in 2022 after serving one or more terms:
Jeffrey L. Pappas, University of Tennessee
Members, Board of Directors (Regional Chairs)
Isaiah R. McGee, Claflin University (Region 7)
Julia Mortyakova, Mississippi University for Women (Region 8)
Member, Commission on Community College Accreditation
Cynthia Bridges, Del Mar College
Chair, Commission on Accreditation
Peter T. Witte, University of the Pacific
Chair, Committee on Ethics
Vanessa Sielert, University of Idaho
Chair, Nominating Committee
Tracy Cowden, University of Texas at San Antonio
Members, Nominating Committee
Uzee Brown, Jr., Morehouse College
Jennifer Cowell-DePaolo, Casper College
R.J. David Frego, Pennsylvania State University
Peter Jutras, University of Georgia
NASM is indebted to these exceptional individuals for their dedication and volunteer spirit, without which the Association’s work could not go forward.
*Please Note: Date in election documents provided to membership erroneously indicated 2023.
Lists of NASM Officers, Commissioners, and Committee Members may be found under “About NASM.”