Commission Dialogue

Following receipt of a Commission Action Report, institutions may be required to submit Responses, Progress Reports, or other materials to the Commission, depending on the Commission action. An outline of possible situations is provided below.

For specific questions, the best way to communicate with the Commission is via email through the office of the Executive Director.

Following Approval

  • Questionnaires are provided to institutions following notice of Associate Membership, Membership, or renewal of Membership to provide the opportunity to evaluate the entire accreditation process. Filing instructions are provided with the questionnaire.
  • Progress Reports may be requested at any time or periodically throughout the term of accreditation.

Following Deferral

  • The institution responds in writing to the Commission as directed, and the application is reconsidered by the Commission at the specified regular meeting following the Response. The same process applies to administrative or accreditation warning.

Other Situations

  • When circumstances arise that cannot be clarified through written communications, the music executive (NASM Institutional Representative) of an applicant institution may request of the Executive Director of NASM an appointment to discuss pending Commission action.