Proposed Revisions/Comments

NASM conducts reviews of its standards for institutional membership in two formats:

  • Comprehensive Standards Reviews consider the standards as a whole, or a complete set of standards (e.g., graduate, undergraduate, non-degree-granting, operational).
  • Specific Standards Reviews are concerned with particular portions or elements of the standards, or new standards.

Instructions for reviewing and commenting on NASM standards, information on both comprehensive and specific standards reviews, and answers to frequently asked questions can be found below.

Please Note

Until any proposed changes have been approved by an affirmative vote of institutional representatives to NASM, the official standards in effect are those published in the latest edition of the NASM Handbook and any current Handbook Addenda. Unless specifically stated otherwise, this portion of the NASM website contains only texts associated with standards reviews or proposals for changes.

These texts are not to be used in the NASM accreditation process.


If you need assistance or have a concern regarding any aspect of the standards review, please contact the National Office.