Advisories for Music Faculty and Administrators: NASM Standards

The following statements were developed by the Association to facilitate understanding among music faculty and administrators of music units regarding specific NASM standards.

All titles are free, and each may be downloaded as an Acrobat PDF document.

An Advisory for Music Faculty and Administrators: NASM Standards for Composition/Improvisation
Applies to all professional undergraduate degrees in music and to all undergraduate degrees leading to teacher certification.

Notes for Music Faculty and Administrators: Standards for Composition/Improvisation and History/Repertory in Undergraduate Professional Degrees in Music
May be used in conjunction with the above advisories on (1) Composition/Improvisation and/or (2) History and Repertory).

An Advisory for Music Faculty and Administrators: NASM Standards for History and Repertory
Applies to all professional undergraduate degrees in music and to all undergraduate degrees leading to teacher certification.

An Advisory for Music Faculty and Administrators: NASM Standards for The Liberal Arts Degree in Music
Applies to degrees titled ‘Bachelor of Arts’ or ‘Bachelor of Science’ unless these titles are used for professional degree content or for programs that lead to teacher certification.

An Advisory for Music Faculty and Administrators: NASM Standards for Performance
Applies to all professional undergraduate degrees in music and to all undergraduate degrees leading to teacher certification.

An Advisory for Music Faculty and Administrators: NASM Standards for Purposes
Applies to all institutions irrespective of size, scope, or program offerings (replaces the former “Mission, Goals, and Objectives” title).

An Advisory for Music Faculty and Administrators: NASM Standards for Title/Content Consistency for Professional Undergraduate Degree Programs that Prepare Pre-K-12 Music Teachers
Applies to all professional undergraduate degrees preparing students for or leading to teacher certification.