Accredited Institutions Search

University of Miami

Coral Gables, FL 33124-7610.

An independent school of music in an endowed university.

Date of Initial Accreditation: 9/1/1939
Year of Most Recent Comprehensive Review: 2018
Academic Year of Next Scheduled Comprehensive Review: 2027-2028

Degree-Granting, Non-Degree-Granting, SACSCOC, Not-for-Profit, Private.


Shelton G. Berg, Dean, Frost School of Music
Telephone: (305) 284-2241
Facsimile: (305) 284-6475

Shannon de l'Etoile, Associate Dean of Graduate Studies
Telephone: (305) 284-6912

Corin Overland, Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies
Telephone: (305) 284-6920

Degree and Program Listing

Bachelor of Arts in Music.

Bachelor of Science in Music Engineering Technology.

Bachelor of Musical Arts.

Bachelor of Music in Composition.

Bachelor of Music in Media Scoring and Production.

Bachelor of Music in Musicianship, Artistry Development, and Entrepreneurship.

Bachelor of Music in Music Industry.

Bachelor of Music in Music Education.

Bachelor of Music in Music Therapy.

Bachelor of Music in Performance.

Bachelor of Music in Studio Music and Jazz.

Artist Diploma in Instrumental Conducting (Graduate).

Artist Diploma in Performance (Graduate).

Master of Science in Music Engineering Technology.

Master of Music in Composition.

Master of Music in Conducting.

Master of Music in Jazz Pedagogy.

Master of Music in Jazz Performance.

Master of Music in Keyboard Performance and Pedagogy.

Master of Music in Media Scoring and Production.

Master of Music in Music Industry.

Master of Music in Music Industry (Distance Learning).

Master of Music in Music Education.

Master of Music in Music Education (Teaching Certification).

Master of Music in Music Therapy.

Master of Music in Music Therapy (Undergraduate Equivalency).

Master of Music in Musicology.

Master of Music in Performance.

Master of Music in Studio Jazz Writing.

Doctor of Musical Arts in Composition.

Doctor of Musical Arts in Conducting.

Doctor of Musical Arts in Jazz Performance.

Doctor of Musical Arts in Keyboard Performance and Pedagogy.

Doctor of Musical Arts in Performance.

Doctor of Musical Arts in Vocal Performance and Pedagogy.

Doctor of Philosophy in Music Education.

♦ Frost Little Canes.

♦ Shalala MusicReach.

Master of Music in Media Scoring and Production (Distance Learning).

Master of Arts in Popular Music Pedagogy (Distance Learning).